For a community-friendly agricultural development
The generalized increase in population on the African continent inexorably leads to increasing anthropic pressure on natural resources. The anarchic development of agriculture is generating land pressure, a source of conflict. It is also at the origin of a growing phenomenon of deforestation, overexploitation of water resources, as well as soil depletion. Global warming amplifies these phenomena and increases the risks of food insecurity for populations. This situation must be taken into account in all projects. It is necessary to help the impacted populations to find a balance in their relationship with the environment. Its exploitation must be reasoned and sustainable.
Sylvatrop Consulting brings you its expertise to help you better understand these issues. We integrate into your rural and community development projects intervention modalities with :
1/ The improvement of agricultural production by:
- Technical support for field work;
- Easy access to inputs and equipment;
- Training of farmers and technicians;
- The implementation of innovative and climate change resilient pilot projects;
- The development of infrastructure (storage granaries, greenhouses/nurseries, etc.) and facilities (hedgerows, wells, dryers, etc.);
- The development of processing units to valorize and preserve the productions;
- The realization of agricultural diagnoses, the elaboration of agricultural development strategies, and even the realization of studies on the value chains of the various productions.
2/ The promotion of agroforestry and the principles of agroecology as alternatives to slash and burn agriculture and forest clearing:
- The promotion of Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) systems and selective clearing to reconstitute agroforestry systems. These techniques favor the selective maintenance by the farmer of important woody species (caterpillars, fruits, firewood, timber, pharmacopoeia, etc.), and thus allow for better soil stabilization by fighting against erosion;
- The conservation of plants from the “legume” family also naturally improves the soil for the benefit of the crops associated with it. These innovations make it possible to replace the slash-and-burn techniques that traditionally give way to fallow systems, which are very poor in terms of biodiversity and soil regeneration.
3/ Alternatives to the use of charcoal and firewood:
- In addition to traditional reforestation activities, based on local forest species, to replace wood used for firewood/charcoal or timber, the dissemination of improved stoves with low charcoal consumption can be considered. This type of activity has a direct impact on household consumption of fuelwood and charcoal. It also has the advantage of reducing the daily workload, traditionally done by women, in collecting wood. The women can thus devote time to other more lucrative activities (agriculture, processing, marketing);
- Improving access to bioenergy, for example by popularizing bio-digester systems, are also alternatives to the use of coal. The production of biogas through the valorization of household waste and animal waste (cow dung), with a high methane content, allows families to have access to gas lighting and cooking. In fact, this type of innovation also contributes to reducing human pressure on wood resources.
See the invisible with our UAVs
Our UAVs have sensors that allow us to study the multispectral response of elements. This type of sensor is particularly used in agriculture. We are able to calculate different indices, defining the state of health of plants. We can thus provide a map indicating the places where it is necessary to act.